Autistic Boy’s Emotional Reaction To Seeing Coldplay Live Goes Viral.

A tear-jerking video of a die-hard Coldplay fan is sweeping the internet. And it’s hard not to get emotional while watching the boy react to his favorite song. Luis Vazquez shot the footage when he and his wife took their autistic son to see Coldplay perform at Mexico City’s Foro Sol stadium. As the boy watches the British band play “Fix You,” he moves his shoulders a bit and tries to dance, but he’s so overcome by emotion, he can’t help but cry and he puts his head in his hands. Just as touching as it is to see the boy’s heart burst with joy at seeing his favorite band is to see how great of a dad the little boy has. Luis, the boy’s dad, posted the video on YouTube and wrote: “Something my wife and I decided to share with the whole wide world. You have to watch it! It says it all! You guys #coldplay please need to see this!” The Internet reaction to the video has been amazing. The video has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter and has almost 2 million views on YouTube. One person wrote on YouTube: “I have autism myself I was diagnosed at age 7 and I am also a mega Coldplay fan, this made me tear up, thank you so much for sharing this video.” Another commented: “I have to say this what I always say to myself and other people that have autism, you are not autism, you are still you’re self. Look on the bright side. I can do many things with my handicap.” And amazingly, even Coldplay themselves saw the video and responded: “This kind of thing makes it all worthwhile. Hola Luis y tu hijo hermoso! Love.” Thanks, Luis, for sharing this video and touching all of our lives! Check out the emotional video below. (For those of you who don’t speak Spanish, the concert footage starts about 35 seconds in.)

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