Dog jumps out of the helicopter and into ice-cold water – the reason makes my heart stop

The strong survival instincts of dogs don’t apply to just dogs themselves. Their strength and loyalty toward humans can be crucial in life and death situations.

In this video, we can see an example of just that, when a Newfoundland dog jumps out of a helicopter into the ice-cold ocean to do something that makes my heart just melt.

Certain dogs have strength and instincts that humans don’t. They have an incredible ability to know when somebody is in danger and then they spring into action to help that person.

Many dogs also like to swim and they tend to be a lot stronger and faster in the water than many humans. And that’s why the Italian School of Water Rescue Dogs trains dogs to rescue humans in the water.

According to the school’s coach, a dog can pull up to 30 lifeboats for about 6,500 feet.

And a Newfoundland dog can rescue about 12-15 people from the water.

“Using dogs in rescue operation gives us that extra horsepower to reach someone in need without tiring ourselves,” Paulo Bozzo, a dog trainer at the school, says.


The school trains Newfoundland dogs, who are skilled swimmers and have thick fur.

In this video, we can see how the dogs’ caretakers find it hard to keep one dog in the helicopter because it desperately wants to save a person in the water.

Time after time, I’m amazed by how incredible dogs really are. Please share if you’re also grateful for man’s best friend!

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