Her 7 puppies died in a fire – now watch when she meets a litter of 8 orphans

On February 20, 2017, Jessica Woodruff’s life literally fell apart.

A fire broke out in her barn, creating a devastating inferno for the animals inside.

The fire took the lives of four goats, a pig. And Jessica’s beloved dog Daisy lost all seven of her three-week-old puppies.

Jessica tried to go in the burning barn to save the puppies, but it was too dangerous. Daisy tried, too, but Jessica held her back.

“It all happened within minutes. It’s horrible,” said Jessica, who believes the fire was started by a heat lamp she used to keep the puppies warm.

Jessica could see that Daisy was devastated by the loss of her beloved puppies. She even refused to eat.

But perhaps the most heartbreaking thing was seeing Daisy go down to the barn every day and sit outside the door waiting and crying.

Jessica was determined to do everything in her power to help Daisy heal her broken heart. She went out on Facebook and asked around to see if there were any puppies in her area who needed a foster home.

A woman named Lorna Murphy replied. Her five-year dog, Chloe, died shortly after giving birth to eight black and white puppies.

Lorna and Jessica arranged a meeting and Daisy went to get to know the litter.

Watch the video below to see what happened next. It’s nothing short of incredible!

Some people say that dogs don’t have feelings. But this video really proves the opposite!

It wouldn’t have been possible without Jessica’s compassion for her beloved friend.

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