Mother’s Incredible Basketball Toss Gets Daughter Free Tuition.

Angela Remne’s love of her life is her daughter Grace. She has sacrificed much to see her daughter have all the best opportunities to succeed in life. She has, among other things, enrolled her daughter in a costly private school in the US. But Grace’s care and compassion extend beyond her own family. When Grace’s school in Minnesota organized a charity event to raise funds for children in need, Angela took it upon herself to raise as much money as possible. The school decided that the individual who had collected the highest amount of money would be given the chance to shoot a basketball – all the rom half of the pitch. If the ball goes through the hoop, the student would receive free tuition for an entire year. As Angela had raised the most cash for charity, the chance was hers. Angela braces herself as she throws the ball with all her strength… Will she make it?

For a few seconds, you can see the disappointment in mom’s face, but the game’s not over yet. Keep an eye on the ball…

What a wonderful moment. Please share if this made you smile!