You’ll Never Believe What Happens When This Man Tries To Park In A Handicap Spot.

I’ll be honest. Even though I would never unjustifiably park in a handicap spot, I have often yearned to. Especially after spinning around for a long while, searching desperately for a spot to park in. But there are those that push the limits: creating fake signs in order to take advantage of those closer spots. This is, naturally, a problem for those who truly need the space. It turns out this is quite a problem in Russia, where increasing amounts of drivers are failing to respect handicap spots. The problem has prompted a local organization to come up with a very, very special solution. Frankly, it just blew my mind. They set up special cameras that could identify whether cars in fact had valid handicap certificates before entering a designated spot. And for those cars that didn’t, a huge surprise was in store. Watch for yourself in the clip below. Would be absolutely brilliant to see this initiative in all corners of the globe.

Just a brilliant idea. I just love the kind of awareness this campaign raises. Please share this genius initiative further to spread awareness on handicap persons’ fundamental rights.

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