He sees two shadows on the highway – then realizes they’re really stray puppies

“You will not believe what I just found in the middle of the road!” he says into the camera he brought along with him on the trip.

So what Jordan did find? Two homeless puppies that couldn’t have been more than eight weeks old.


Jordan stopped his car and managed to catch the puppies and get them off the road.

He drove them to the nearest animal hospital, where vets examined the dogs and treated them.


But Jordan didn’t leave his newfound friends in the dust—he decided to adopt the pair!

Jordan had been thinking about adopting a dog, but for various reasons, he put it off.

So when these two little cuties came into his life, Jordan felt like it was fate.

These days, the trio calls themselves the “Adventure Squad” and Jordan documents their adventurous journey back at their new home. What a super guy!


Watch a video about the wonderful trio here:

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And click like if you also think that Jordan deserves a round of applause!

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