Aimee, 19, Destroys The Myth Of Hidden Disease: “It’s Not Just A Stomach Ache.”

This is Aimee. At first glance, she looks like an ordinary girl – but she is actually suffering from a serious disease that has changed her life.


Aimee has Crohn’s disease. for those who don’t know, Crohn’s illness is a chronic condition, this means it’s a life-long disease. At the end of May this year, she chose to go out on Facebook and tell us all about the battles she fights everyday, and she added three pictures on Facebook.

The purpose of the post is to help and support others in her situation, who haven’t been able to easily accept what she has.

She wrote in the post:

I’ve wanted to do this for a while because I always see body posi posts for weight, but not many for disabilities / invisible illnesses.

First off I have Crohn’s disease, it’s a serious incurable illness that nearly killed me, not just a stomach ache like most people seem to think.
A person with crohns will go through many different treatments including surgery, and it’s the surgery I want to touch on now.

My Crohns has left me with a permanent ileostomy, no large intestine, colon, rectum, anus, or inner thigh muscles as they were used for plastic surgery on my wounds.

I’ve always been okay with the stuff that has happened to me, but some people have real difficulties accepting these things so I just want to say this.
No one will know unless you tell them.
People who know will still love you and still find you beautiful.
Your illness is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about”


Crohn’s disease is an incurable disease that affects the digestive system. The condition can be very painful and lead to both weight gain and weight loss, and sometimes it aggravate to the point of being fatal. For many who suffer the only option is to remove parts of the bowel and anus, and use colostomy bag.


Aimee’s post has received over 90,000 likes, and she has been featured on the media worldwide. Over 14,000 people have commented on the post, and many of them tell us that they also suffer from Crohn’s and are in the same situation as Aimee.


What a strong girl! Aimee shows that you can be beautiful, regardless of your condition. Please share her post so more people can read and understand what Crohn’s disease really is.

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