Janitor ordered to clean the cafeteria after accident – he opens the door and breaks down

Eugene Hinton is respected and appreciated by both students and teachers at Moody Elementary School. He’s always there to lend a helping hand where it’s needed, or to perk the kids up with his cheerful attitude to life.

On this particular day, however, a student had had an accident. Eugene was instructed by a teacher to clean up the mess.

“It’s very bad”

In response, Eugene asked the teacher if the accident in the cafeteria was bad. She replied, simply: “Yes, it’s very bad.”

Of course, Eugene didn’t shirk from his task for a second. He retrieved his cleaning cart and made his way to the cafeteria.


The big surprise

Eugene had no idea he was being tricked. The teacher had used a ploy to get him into the cafeteria hall.

When the janitor pushed open the door, he was left speechless. Met with a teeming hall of students shouting “surprise”, it was all he could to do stay on his feet. Then he broke down, tears falling from his eyes when he realized what was happening.


Little did Eugene know that it was “National Custodian Appreciation Day”, a day designed to pay tribute to all those hard working souls who help schools to run as efficiently as they do.

The school children had made signs for the janitor, and welcomed him into the hall with hugs and presents, thanking him for all his work over the years.


Below, you catch watch the video with the nice surprise. It put a smile on my face to see Eugene’s reaction when he sees the children waiting for him in the cafeteria.

What a great surprise! There are many professions that don’t get the attention they deserve. That’s why I think it’s great that Eugene is being celebrated for all the hard work he does. 

Please share this article with your friends if you, too, think this was a wonderful surprise.

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