Wife gets revenge on lazy husband in hilarious story

Unfortunately, when couples get married, the sharing of household chores is not included in the vows.

Perhaps it can be slipped in as “…to have and to help with chores from this day forward…until death or dirty home do us part.”

With all the difficult news out there, we thought we’d share a funny story to hopefully lighten up your day!

No man or woman enjoys the daunting task of keeping a home in good condition but when chores are tackled with a partner, it becomes a lot easier!  

This funny story is about a wife, who looked for a solution when her husband refused to help out with domestic chores.

Weekend chores

Over the weekend, after cleaning inside the house, a wife moved outside, plucking weeds from the overgrown garden that her husband neglected to trim.

Though she’d seen the man from time-to-time that day, she wasn’t sure what he was doing, or where.

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She also didn’t have the free time to hunt him down.

Exhausted from the heat and hours of cleaning, she sat down on the grass and took a sip of her drink.

Resistant husband

Then, her husband popped up in the yard to grab something he had earlier left on a lawn chair.

The wife seized the moment.

“Honey, can you please help me clean the garden?” she begged.

Rushing to get indoors, he snapped at the woman, “do I look like a gardener?”

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Frustrated by his curt response, she offers another option, “Okay. Can you fix the bathroom door?”

“Do I look like a carpenter?” he grumbled before walking away.

Handyman next door

Hours later, the husband finds his wife lounging outdoors with a cocktail in her hand.

After inspecting the fixed bathroom door, and then the freshly manicured lawn, the husband praised his wife on a job well done.

“I knew you would do it!” he said.

Touching her lips to the glass that held her drink, the smiling woman tells her lazy husband, “it wasn’t me.”

“Who did it?” he asked his preoccupied wife, who explained their new neighbor, who recently moved in after divorcing, offered to help.

Expecting she paid him for his services, the husband then asked what it cost.


“He gave me two options,” started the wife, whose smile got bigger with every word. “He said ‘bread or sex.’”

Startled by her response, the man then joked, “I hope you gave him bread.”

To that, the pleased wife said, “do I look like a bakery?”

We hope this funny story gave you a little break from the terrible news that’s happening around the world! Please share this story and spread the laughter!


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