Kindergartner forced to do the ‘walk of shame’ after not being able to pay for $2.25 lunch

According to CafeMom, Anya was in the lunch line with 20 other students when the incident occurred. She picked up her hot meal, but when it came time to pay, she didn’t have enough money in her account to afford the $2.25 meal.


A school aid forced her to return her tray of food and told her to return to the back of the line, where she could wait for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead.


Anya reportedly wasn’t the only student this happened to that day. She and another student were made to do the “walk of shame” and were laughed at by their classmates. It was very embarrassing, and the 6-year-old didn’t know how to respond.

Her grandfather is now speaking out about the incident, asking for schools to change the rules to avoid incidents like this one. He says that the school normally notifies parents when account balances fall below $5, but in this case, he was never alerted.

“They waited until there was a dime left, denied her the opportunity to eat the lunch that she had [been served and tried to pay for] and then she had to go to the end of the line to wait for a PB&J,” he said.

The school maintains that unfortunately, this is standard protocol.


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What do you think should be done about lunch shaming? This is truly traumatizing for someone so young… Please share to get others to weigh in!

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