9 stroke warning signs and symptoms that every woman should be aware of

Studies show that it takes women longer than it takes for men to reach the hospital after having a stroke. And once they get treatment, women also take longer to recover than men.


Stroke symptoms:

Strokes come with several warning signs. But what many people don’t realize is that the symptoms for men and women are not the same.

On the one hand, there are telltale signs of stroke that are the same for both sexes. But on the other hand, women often display unique stroke symptoms that aren’t always recognized as such.

These include, according to the National Stroke Association:

“Either the experience of stroke is really different for some biological reason, or men and women experience the same phenomenon and explain it differently,” says Lewis Morgenstern of the University of Michigan.

The standard risk factors for stroke in women are obesity and smoking. Women who use birth control pills, who are in the final weeks of pregnancy, or who have just given birth are also at a higher risk for stroke. Scientists don’t know for sure if stress affects the possibility of stroke, but a study in the journal Neurology links stress at work to an increased risk of stroke, especially for women.


Today, strokes in men and women are treated the same, but hopefully, that will change soon.

We need more research on this subject, but by paying attention to these nine symptoms should save even more lives.

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