21 Years Ago He Danced With His Wife On Television. Now It Moves Millions Of People Into Tears.

It’s 1994. It’s the World Music Awards. And for the first time on international television Patrick Swayze is dancing with his wife Lisa Nieme to the song “All The Man That I Need”, as a tribute to Whitney Houston. This was a couple of years after Swayze’s hit movie Dirty Dancing and he was burning hot. You get the fact that it was a huge deal back then. And to look back at that scene at the World Music Awards now really moves me. Especially when neither Swayze or Whitney Houston are no longer with us. It’s crystal clear that Patrick and Lisa had something really special together. Their amazing movement and how they swayed over the dance floor together show’s us how talented they were. It’s no secret how much they loved each other and the proof of that is shown in 34 years of marriage. A love story that started 1970 when Swayze was 18 years old and Lisa took dance lessons from Patricks mother. Did you notice that Whitney Houston was in the crowd applauding wildly? If you didn’t catch that the first time, rewind and do that. What an amazing moment between these two icons!

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