Fast food employee goes viral after footage of ‘beautiful act’ in restaurant

Sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that can have the biggest ripples in the pond of life.

Helping someone who seems to be struggling not only helps to make their day better, but it often works wonders for one’s own sense of fulfilment.

What’s more, if a passerby happens to witness said act of charity, there’s no telling how far word of the act might spread.

Just take a recent case in Salvador, Brazil, when Laurinha Victoria spotted a fellow customer at a food restaurant struggling to eat due to a disability with his arms. That’s when a restaurant employee stepped in and changed everything. Victoria captured the encounter on Facebook, and the footage has spread like wildfire …

It was at Giraffas – a fast food chain in Brazil – that Victoria filmed a restaurant employee helping a disabled young man to eat his meal.

She then uploaded the footage to social media, in a post that described her as being filled with tears at the emotional happening.

“Today I was taken by emotion with tears in my eyes, seeing this scene at the north mall food square…” Victoria writes in her translated post.

According to her Facebook, Victoria was moving to help the man herself, before realising that the employee was already in the process of helping him to eat his meal.

The footage has been seen over 11 million times on Facebook, garnering over 527,000 comments, likes and shares; most agreeing with Victoria’s sentiment concerning what a “beautiful gesture” it is.

Her post continues: “I came to him and said, what a beautiful gesture you are having.. God bless you.”

In today’s climate, it’s more important than ever to make sure we keep an eye out for people who need our help. Something so simple as cutting someone’s food for them, helping them with their bags, asking them if everything is all right … these are things all of us can do, and often gestures that can help someone with their day.

Watch the incredible video that Victoria filmed below: 

Hoje fui tomada pela emoção com lágrimas nos olhos , ao vê essa cena na praça de alimentação do Norte shopping …O rapaz que tem deficiência na perna e nos braços ja havia me pedido.para pegar seu alimento quando fosse solicitado.. quando me levantei, esse funcionário ja estava levando até a mesa… O funcionário do restaurante Giraffas , dando comida na boca do cliente .Essa é a verdadeira caridade, que coisa linda.Cheguei para ele e disse, que gesto lindo vc está tendo .. Deus lhe abençoe.

Posted by Laurinha Victória on Saturday, April 7, 2018

What a wonderful man that employee is, and what a great idea from Victoria to share the clip online and spread some happiness.

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