I think it’s fair to say at this point that coronavirus has hit us all pretty hard.
Perhaps nowhere – outside of the health sector – has the impact of the pandemic been felt as bitterly as in the business sector, particularly when it comes to small business and family-owned organizations.
As the effort to slow the spread of coronavirus ramps up, more and more public spaces, including malls, bars, eateries and restaurants are being forced to close. Many small businesses have been left with uncertain futures as a result of no longer having customers.
Yet one compassionate customer in Ohio found a brilliant way to support their local bar. Having ordered a meal worth $30 from Ohio’s Coaches Bar and Grill, they left quite the tip, as per CNN.
Coaches Bar and Grill has, like many other establishments, has felt the nasty sting of coronavirus. At the weekend, the place was near empty after a public directive issues by Governor Mike DeWine ordering all restaurants and bars in the state to close down for the foreseeable future.
Staff were rightly left to wonder about their income, and how they would provide for their families in the month ahead.
It was after staff welcomed one of their last customers for the coming weeks that they experienced the best sort of surprise. The customer ordered a beer and some food – their bill came to around $30. They paid the check and headed out the door.
When staff collected the money from the table, however, they were left stunned. The good samaritan had left the bar a tip of $2,500 along with a note reading: “Please split this tab equally between Tara, Nicky, Jim, Liz, and Arrun.”
Patrick Leonard, the bar’s owner, told CNN: “There were tears of joy among everyone here. On a day when I’ve never seen a shutdown like that, I’ve never seen a tip like that either.”
He also added that the customer was a regular who wanted to remain anonymous. What an amazing gesture, and much-needed during such a time of uncertainty.
Patrick added: “You go to the store and we have people fighting over toilet paper. To have a person sitting here and do that, it’s amazing. This is where we should all be. The more we have of this, the better the country will roll through these unprecedented times.”
Indeed! A big thank you to this kind and compassionate customer for lending a helping hand where one is needed.
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