Elementary school students and staff celebrate cafeteria manager passing US citizenship test

Taking a test, especially one that can open doors for the test-taker, can be extremely nerve-racking. So when they pass, a celebration is in order.

Recently, Yanet Lopez, a cafeteria manager at an elementary school in Oklahoma, took the U.S. citizenship test. She passed, and when she walked into work after passing, the entire school celebrated with her.

Lopez, an immigrant from Cuba, works at Prairie Vale Elementary School in Edmond, Oklahoma.

“Every morning Ms. Yanet walks into the office and proclaims ‘Good Morning, Pretty Ladies’ and with a smile and a laugh she always starts the day with a positive message!” the school wrote on Facebook.

So when staff and students learned she passed her citizenship test, they wanted to start her day off with a smile.

More pictures of us celebrating Ms. Yanet!!🇺🇸👏🏼#notadryeyeinthehouse

Posted by Deer Creek Prairie Vale on Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Staff and students at Prairie Vale Elementary School lined the hallways and chanted “USA! USA!” as Lopez walked down the hallway carrying a miniature American flag.

More pictures of us celebrating Ms. Yanet!!🇺🇸👏🏼#notadryeyeinthehouse

Posted by Deer Creek Prairie Vale on Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Not only did Lopez pass her test, but so did her husband and her three children ages 17 to 28.

“When I was a child, I have a dream, like, say, Martin Luther King, right? My dream was to come here to this great country,” Lopez told KOCO.

One dream accomplished, and another in the making.

Congratulations, Yanet! Passing the U.S. citizenship test is a major deal and something you should be extremely proud of!

Share this inspiring story on Facebook and congratulate Yanet on her accomplishment.