21 incredible facts that prove animals are better than humans

The animal kingdom has long fascinated us and will surely continue to do so forever.

As we observe our fellow earthly creatures, we note the incredible ways in which they behave — especially towards one another.

Here is a list of 21 amazing animal facts that you will be glad you learned.

1. Cows make best friends with other cows and when they are apart they experience really bad anxiety.


2. Squirrels adopt and take care of other baby squirrels if they discover they are orphans.


3. It’s possible to hypnotize a frog by placing it on its back and gently stroking its belly.


4. Around 50 percent of orangutans have fractured bones, due to falling out of trees regularly.


5. Prairie dogs says greet each other by kissing.


6. In aquatic ‘traffic jams’, alligators give way to manatees.


7. Not only do dolphins have their own language, they even have special names for each of their friends when they call out to them.


8. Meowing is a trait cats developed not to communicate with each other, but rather to get the attention of their human friends.


9. When the female in a group of clownfish dies, the most dominant male turns into a female to replace her.


10. Female bats deliver their babies while hanging upside down, then catch their baby with their wings as it drops.


11. Seahorses mate forever. Then, once they are partners, they always hold each other’s tail.


12. Not only can turtles live to over 150 years old, they can also feel through their shells.


13. Male puppies sometimes allow female puppies “win” when they play together, in order to get to know them better.


14. Sea otters hold hands while sleeping in order not to drift apart from each other.

wikimedia.org /Joe Robertson

15. Baby elephants suck on their trunks for comfort just like baby humans do with their thumbs.


16. Dragonflies form hearts with their tails when they mate.


17. Even after a grizzly bear grows up and leaves its mom, it will still set up its den close to its mom’s.


18. Red-eyed tree frog eggs may hatch early if they sense danger nearby.

19. Not only do penguins mate for life, but they also spend a lot of time searching for the perfect pebble to give to their partner in order to “propose.”


20. Otters expose their babies when they are facing danger to make a predator feel compassion for them.


21. Koalas’ fingerprints are so similar to humans’ that they’ve sometimes been confused at crime scenes. But just look at this face? How could it possibly be guilty of anything?


How amazing are our animal friends! Make sure to share these incredible facts with your family and friends if you were impressed by one or more of these, too!