Dog owner lies down on floor – now look at his puppy’s wonderful reaction

Puppies are some of the cutest animal babies in the world. Not only are they adorably little and innocent, they also have the whole world at their paws and they take every chance they get to explore their world and find new ways to enjoy life.

When you play with a puppy, it helps to lie down and play with them at their level. Like what this puppy owner did with his cute, little Shih-Tzu. This is the sweetest thing ever!

Shih-Tzu puppies are special. In addition to their soft coats, which makes them a look like balls of fur, they can’t stop wagging their little tails. It’s a combination that almost guarantees smiles!

When this video was made, this little Shih-Tzu puppy was full of energy and craving attention from his owner. Then, his owner laid down on the floor next to him and the little fur ball immediately started playing with his face.

I couldn’t help but smile ear to ear watching this adorable video. I bet you can’t watch it without smiling, either!

Check it out for yourself here:

This little puppy is one of the cutest things I’ve seen. Don’t forget to share this video so that more people see this little cutie!

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