Football Player Walks Into Shelter And Asks A Heart-Melting Question.

Winter spent most of her six years falling into sad, unfortunate situations. The pit bull was found in a vacant house on a hot day with no electricity or open windows. She was dehydrated and frightened.

“She was in there with no food, water or fresh air for a week,” Bailey Deacon, director of communications at BARCS Animal Shelter in Baltimore, Maryland, told The Dodo. “Winter had been eating the drywall,” Deacon said. “[It’s unclear] whether that was because she was starving hungry, or as an attempt to escape.”

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Winter also has a low-hanging belly that is mostly likely the result of over-breeding. And due to her age, Winter’s belly will never tighten up, which made her unlikely to be adopted. Which is why it was all the more wonderful that a certain football star walked through the doors at BARCS Animal Shelter.

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Recently, Ronnie Stanley, offensive tackle from the Baltimore Ravens football team, visited BARCS in search of a pup to add to his family. He was accompanied by his girlfriend, and teammate, Alexander Lewis. When they checked in at the front desk, they made an amazing request: “We are looking for dog that’s been here a long time and may be not-so-adoptable.”

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BAARCS’ staff considered senior pets, physically imperfect dogs, ones needing on-going medical and other “not-so-adoptable” dogs. And after showing Ronnie a few dogs, it was Winter who caught Ronnie’s eye.

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Winter’s hanging belly didn’t dissuade Ronnie. It only made him see her for who she is—a mother. According to BARCS’ Facebook page, Ronnie said, “Well, that’s just what happens when you’ve had babies.”

He was much more interested in receiving kisses from Winter and falling in love with his new dog than worrying about how her tummy looks. What an awesome guy!

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Ronnie and his girlfriend signed Winter’s adoption papers and took her to her new forever home the same day.

As BARCS wrote on its Facebook page: “We are so proud to have amazing guys like Ronnie to be role models to the kids in our city. Not only does his single act of kindness make adoption cool, but it makes giving love to an imperfectly perfect dog a ‘manly’ thing to do.”

Thanks, Ronnie for seeing Winter for who she truly is! And have a happy life, Winter! And Isn’t this a great story? Share if you agree!

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