For reasons I will never understand, there are many people in the world who are willing and ready to abandon their pets to a life on the street.
All animals deserve to have a safe and secure existence with a loving family. Sadly, though, this is far from the case; there are millions of dogs and cats that have to fend for themselves, living off of scraps and fighting to survive.
Understandably, life on the street is extremely tough. Simply finding food and water can be a life-threatening challenge.
Not to mention the fact there are people out there who, for whatever reason, actively try to feed strays poisoned food and water to kill them.
Police in Tacana, a small city in Peru, are well versed when it comes to animal abuse. They know, sadly, that there are people who go out of their way to hurt street dogs and cats – they’ve even found piles of food containing glass shards designed to cut the animals’ insides.
Unfortunately, it’s often dogs that fall victim to these horrendous traps, dying in pursuit of food.
Because of this, police sought to find a solution to the problem. They came up with the brilliant idea of installing food and water stations close to the police’s local HQ.

These food stations are shaped like long tubes, and are filled with food and water for the city’s street dogs.
The first station was introduced in October 2017 and has since proved a major success. Many dogs go there when they’re hungry or thirsty, safe in the knowledge they can eat and drink without fear of contamination.

In the video below, you can watch a street dog enjoying clean food and water from one of the aforementioned stations:
Is this not a fantastic solution? If you think such food stations should be commonplace in the world, please share this article on Facebook and help us raise awareness!