Scammer shaves cat and pretends he’s a hairless Sphynx – then his new owner does the right thing

JoAnna Dyck of Alberta, Canada bought the kitten online and paid around $700 for him. But the seller wouldn’t let JoAnna pick up the kitten from his home, and instead dropped him off at JoAnna’s house.

She named the kitten Vlad, and he looked like any other hairless Sphynx. He had almost no fur or whiskers.

But Vlad didn’t get along with JoAnna’s other cats, so she gave him to her friend Shaniya Jung.

Shaniya immediately saw that kitten wasn’t quite right. For one thing, she found a wound on his tail. So she took the little kitten to the vet—and that’s when she learned the awful truth.

Vlad was not actually a hairless Sphynx cat.

It turned out that the con artist who sold the kitten to JoAnna shaved off his fur and used hair removal lotion to make Vlad look like a hairless cat. And he also plucked the kitten’s whiskers all so he could sell him at a high price.

But Shaniya did the right thing and kept Vlad anyway, even though he wasn’t a Sphynx after all.

She also informed the police about the scammer, who is now under investigation.

And as for Vlad, he’s feeling much better now, and his fur is growing back.

Please share this story to raise awareness and help make sure that this kind of scam never happens again!

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