Leaving home for freshman year at college can be tough. It’s the first time most of us are away from our family, including its furry members.
So when 19-year-old Jake Ostrowski started packing for his first semester at Texas Tech, he was sad that he couldn’t take along his beloved golden retriever, Jessie.
But fortunately, Jake’s mom had the a solution…

The day before Jake left for college, his mom presented him with a life-sized cardboard cutout of Jessie.

Jake was excited when he saw his mom’s gift and posted a picture of it on Twitter, where it melted the hearts of thousands.
“It can be kind of scary going off to college,” Ostrowski, who is now in his dorm at Texas Tech, told Buzzfeed. “But now I’ve got my dog in my dorm with me.”

And by the looks of it, Jessie could use a cutout of Jake, too!
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