They Rescued Not Just This One Tiny Donkey, But 200 More Just Like Him.

In less than a year, the ranchers went from about a dozen donkeys to more than 200.

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Luckily, the good people at Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue took them all.

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Between the number of donkeys the sanctuary rescued and the fact that the animals have never been handled, Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue has its work cut out for itself.

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Animal rescuers are being extra gentle with the animals as they settle in to their new environment. But there’s still the task of microchipping, de-worming and vaccinating the donkeys.

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Once the donkeys are healthy and have learned to trust people, they’ll be put up for adoption and the animals will finally the chance to find loving homes.

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And that will be 200 happy endings to this massive rescue story.

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Learn how you can assist Peaceful Valley’s efforts here.

Please spread the word! You never know—someone you share this with could potentially know someone who would adopt one of these adorable creatures.

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