Vets save pregnant turtle after she was hit by car

Sometimes animals get injured on accident, but luckily there are rescuers who will step up and help them get back on their feet.

The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, or CROW, in Sanibel, Florida got a call about a softshell turtle who had been struck by a car.

These turtles are native to Florida’s local ponds and waterways, and this turtle apparently made her way on to the road.

She was taken to CROW and treated by veterinarians for her injuries, which thankfully turned out to not be too serious.

They did notice she was heavier than the average turtle: “The average weight for breeding turtles of this species is around 7 kilograms and she weighed in over 12 kilograms!” CROW wrote on Facebook.

While assessing her injuries with a radiograph, they discovered the turtle’s secret: she was pregnant!

The scan revealed the gravid turtle was carrying a large number of “ping pong ball looking eggs” inside her.

It’s likely this is why the mom-to-be was in the street: It’s common to find turtles crossing the road around this time of year, as expectant mothers search for a nesting site.

Luckily, the turtle and her eggs are doing well, and will be free to go back to nature soon.

“Veterinarians plan to keep her overnight and if she is still doing great tomorrow morning, she will be released so she can lay her eggs in the wild!” CROW wrote on Facebook.

We’re so glad this turtle is safe and free to lay her eggs! Thank you to the vets who rescued her!

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