Fashion is constantly changing, but one trend that has stuck around for about as long as we can remember is Diane Keaton and her love for turtlenecks, hats, and gloves.
The 76-year-old actress is known for her modest fashion choices, and over the years she’s revealed it’s not simply because she’s not fond of showing off her skin.
Keaton, who was born in Los Angeles in January 1946, has always had her own sense of style. Whenever the Hollywood star steps out she’s seen in one of only a few handful of colors, and her outfits typically cover her from head to toe.
Her clothes are far from dowdy. In fact, she’s become somewhat of a fashion icon.
While most celebrities flaunt glitzy gowns or barely-there outfits, Keaton sports a tailored suit or a fitted shirt with high-waisted pants. She’s also not afraid to wear a turtleneck.
“Turtlenecks are particularly underrated,” she wrote in her 2014 memoir, Let’s Just Say It Wasn’t Pretty.
“Buy one. I dare you. Give one a try. Turtlenecks cushion, shield, and insulate a person from harm.”

In a 2014 with the Houston Chronicle, Diane Keaton said her style was inspired by fashion in New York in the 1970s.
“I’ve admired that look early on from the streets of New York in the 1970s. Women wearing pants and ties. A lot of people were doing that. It was Ralph Lauren in the early days. He was one of the first to do a pant suit for women and give her a tie. It’s not a new look. Katharine Hepburn and Marlene Dietrich both wore their suits and tuxes.”
Not only do the clothes offer protection from potential insecurities – “You don’t want the arms flailing about when you’re past a certain age.” – but Keaton says another part of her wardrobe protects her from a deadly disease.
“It hides a multitude of sins. Flaws, anxiety — things like that. I would not feel comfortable in a short skirt or something cut off with my arms hanging out there. And I’ve always liked hats. They just frame a head. But, of course, nobody really thinks they’re as great as I do. And, you know, hats also protect you from the sun — I’ve had so many skin cancers.”
In 2019, Keaton shared with InStyle that she’s had several brushes with skin cancer. She also swears by sunscreen.
“Back in my 20s I didn’t pay attention much,” Keaton told the Los Angeles Times in May 2015. “I didn’t research and didn’t really care and that was stupid because it’s dogged me my entire adult life, even recently. I didn’t start sun care until my 40s.”

“How did I become this kind of person who fell in love with hats, who loves big shoes? How much can I cover up? What is covering up me? What does it mean to other people?” she told Flare. “The book [her memoir] is trying to say to people: love what you have.”
I absolutely adore Diane Keaton’s style. I think it’s a breath of fresh air compared to some of the styles we see today.
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