Mark Cuban, billionaire investor, reveals the very simple reason he doesn’t employ staff at home

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Mark Cuban may be worth an extraordinary $5.1 billion, but the businessman and Shark Tank star doesn’t like to flaunt his wealth.

The owner of the Dallas Mavericks recently sat down with Bobbi Althoff, host of “The Really Good Podcast,” and explained how his spending habits vary from other billionaires.

“I just try to be the same person, I mean, as I was when I was poor, middle, and rich,” he said.

And that even includes keeping the same friends he made along the way.

“Most of my friends are guys that I moved to Dallas with or friends in Indiana from school. We still tell the same stupid ass stories and do the same stupid s—, and you know, that’s good.”

Cuban, who grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, explained that while there are some big purchases he likes – a 24,000 sq ft Dallas mansion, a $40 million private jet, and the Dallas Mavericks – there are others he can’t justify the cost.

He doesn’t employ staff to clean his home or cook his meals or drive him around.

“I like the privacy,” the serial entrepreneur said. “I’ve been around people who hire somebody to do everything for them, and that’s just, like, no privacy.”

He does make an exception, though it’s not often.

“I have security if I’m someplace I think I need it but, typically, no.”

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And since he doesn’t have staff to do the menial tasks around the house, he’ll do them because, “I’m capable, yeah, it takes two seconds. It’s just easier.” He said about doing his own laundry at his home in Laguna Beach, California.

“Look at this. It’s, like, workout gear, shorts, and T-shirts. That’s it.”

His three children, Alexis, 19; Alyssa, 17; and Jake, 12 are also responsible for their own laundry.

‘Even my son Jake did his own laundry the other day. I told him, “You know what? I’m proud of you,”‘ he said.

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Cuban admitted there are some times he does need help around the house like when he wants to eat a “healthy” meal, and that’s when he’ll hire a private chef.

But when he’s not eating healthy, he’s cooking his own meals.

“My meals are really simple. I eat the same things over and over.”


Maybe it’s just me, but it’s refreshing to hear of someone with so much wealth choose not to flaunt it like so many others.

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