Quick-thinking nun thwarts would-be thieves on roof of charity center: ‘This is God’s property’

A 76-year-old nun from Buffalo, New York has received a lot of praise for thwarting would-be burglars from the Response to Love Center, an organization that helps those in need of assistance.

After her morning prayers one Saturday morning in January, Sister Mary Johnice Rzadkiewicz, director of the center, heard a noise coming from outside.

“I opened the door and there was the ladder right in front of my doorway,” Sister Johnice told Buffalo News.

Two thieves were in the middle of attempting to steal the center’s gutters and downspouts. They are made of aluminum and not copper they are of no value, but the thieves didn’t know that at the time.

“I said ‘Get out of here, this is God’s mission. What are you doing to his property?’ I saw the ladder. I saw the guy. I threw the ladder down, which was huge as could be, and lo and behold, they ran away.”

One sprinted one direction, and the other jumped off the roof and ran the other way.

As Sister Johnice stood there in shock, she shared that even though she caught them in the act she prayed they weren’t injured.

The center has shared images of the vandals, and the police are investigating.

“They could have come here for food or clothing. They could have come for a kind word, some guidance, but they chose a different route,” she said. “That is not of God, that is evil. I just wish I could meet them.”

As people continue to call the center offering their support and potential leads in the case, Sister Johnice says she continues to pray “for these two thugs.”

Hopefully these two people are found and held responsible for their actions.

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