This story is proof that when love is meant to be, it finds a way—no matter how many twists and turns it takes and no matter how many heartaches it suffers along the way. Once they met in kindergarten, Marcus and Jessica never forgot each other. After high school, fate brought the pair back together when they had a brief flirtatious connection. But the two of them went their separate ways: Marcus got married and had a daughter, while Jessica married a soldier who was deployed to Afghanistan. Then, when Jessica was only 25, she became a widow. She was eight months pregnant and had no choice but to raise her daughter all by herself. As a single working mom, she didn’t think she’d get another chance at love. But her luck changed one day when she answered the phone…
It was Marcus, her kindergarten crush. And it turns out, he had also become a single parent. He admitted, “I always thought in my mind and hoped that I would go to her and it would magically somehow all work out.”
Now, after 27 years, they’re together again. Jessica says, “No matter how many times our paths have come together and grown apart, we’ve always found a way to get back together.”
See Jessica and Marcus’ surprising next step in the video below.
Even though this video was made by Extra gum, it’s still a powerful testament to the love between Jessica and Marcus. When the company asked for inspiring stories, the couple sent in theirs.
If you’re as touched by this couple’s second chance at love as we are, please share it with others.
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