3-yr-old hospitalized with terrible injuries after playing with “harmless” toy – now mom issues grave warning

As a parent, it’s always a distressing time when your child is sick or hurt.

This is especially true when an affliction strikes out of nowhere, as was the case with Kylie and Tony Cravens’ daughter, Lydia. The 3-year-old’s health took a downward spiral after she suffered a terrible allergic reaction to a child’s makeup kit they’d purchased for her.

The couple, of Georgetown, Illinois, now want to spread a grave warning to all others, with their poor baby having experienced swollen eyes, blisters and a rash that spread over her body.

Kyle and Tony forwarded the warning to Love What Matters, describing just why parents should be cautious when it comes to what they allow their children to play with.

She gave her 3-year-old daughter a child’s cosmetic kit, but after having applied the makeup to her face the girl’s skin reacted in a most disturbing way.

She wrote on Facebook: “I’m making this post because I feel like it is very important to remind parents to be very careful about what we allow our children to have. For Tony and I this was definitely an eye-opener, and we will be more cautious about acknowledging ingredients and educating ourselves on what is good and bad before purchasing from here on out.

“About 8 days ago we bought this makeup set from the Family Dollar here in town.. Thinking it was harmless ..non toxic .. kids make up set and having bought Lydia this same type of thing .. just different brand …we never imagined after spending the day applying to her eyes and lips that our worst nightmare would come true..”

Source: Facebook

A rash erupted all over Lydia’s body, whilst her lips cracked and became sore. After taking the girl to hospital, Kylie was told she would have to stay there to be monitored.

The three-year-old couldn’t eat for several days and had to be treated for more than a week while she recovered.

Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

According to Kylie’s Facebook post, the children’s beauty set that she purchased contained six chemicals that are known to cause allergic reactions to people with sensitive skin.

“There are six different chemicals in this makeup that are commonly known to cause an allergic reaction. Lydia unfortunately was one of those people allergic, and for the past week, she has been going through a severe allergic reaction SO SEVERE she had to be admitted to Carle pediatrics in  Champaign.

“In 24 hours, our little girl went from 100% healthy to having her eyes swollen and blistered shut with a rash all over her body, that we would have to apply cold packs to every 30 minutes or so because her skin was burning. She was unable to eat much for days because of the blistering and cracking of her lip.”

Source: Facebook

Kylie is aiming to send a warning to all parents who buy such products for their children. She can’t bear the thought of something, “like what has happened to our Lydia,” happening to others.


Parents, please be careful when it comes to what you’re letting your children have/play with.

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