Christopher raped a 12-year-old girl and got her pregnant – now he has shared custody over the child

Christopher Mirasolo

A Sanilac County Circuit judge has granted parenting time and joint legal custody of an 8-year-old boy to a convicted sex offender who allegedly raped the childís mother nine years ago. Christopher Mirasolo, 27, of Brown City was awarded joint legal custody by Judge Gregory S. Ross after DNA testing established paternity of the child, according to the victimís attorney, Rebecca Kiessling, who is seeking protection under the federal Rape Survivor Child Custody Act. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 25. The case, initially reported on ìThe Steve Gruber Show,î a Lansing-based radio program, is believed the first of its kind in Michigan and possibly the nation. According to the victim and Kiessling, it was prompted after the county surveyed the victim regarding child support she had received this past year. ìThis is insane,î said Kiessling, who filed objections Friday with Ross. ìNothing has been right about this since it was originally investigated. He was never properly charged and should still be sitting behind bars somewhere, but the system is victimizing my client, who was a child herself when this all happened.î Ross disclosed the rape victimís address to Mirasolo and ordered Mirasoloís name to be added to the childís birth certificate ó all without the victimís consent or a hearing, according to Kiessling.

The year was 2008. A 12-year-old girl and her 13-year-old sister snuck out of their home in Sanilac County, Michigan to meet two older guys. One of them was Christopher Mirasolo, then 18 years old.

The girls were picked up by the boys and the plan was to go hang out at McDonalds. But instead of driving there, the boys took the girls’ mobile phones, threw them out of the window. They then brought them to an empty house, where Christopher held the girls captive for two days, the Daily Mail reports.

The Verdict

At the house, the vicious and despicable individual raped the twelve-year-old girl. After releasing the sisters, he threatened to kill them both if they ever told anybody.

Despite his threats, Christopher was ultimately condemned and sentenced to a year in prison.

At the same time, it was revealed that the twelve-year-old had become pregnant as a result of her rape. Christopher went to prison but was released after only six months on the basis that he had to take care of his sick mother.

Joint Custody

In 2010, Christopher was arrested again, this time for sexual assault of a minor.

Today, he is free and the child he fathered together with his first rape victim is now an 8-year-old boy. After a DNA test confirmed that there is no doubt that he is the father of the child, the court has decided that Christopher would receive joint custody together with his rape victim.

“Nothing has been right about this since it was originally investigated,” the victim’s attorney Rebecca Kiessling told The Daily Mail. “He was never properly charged and should be sitting behind bars somewhere, but the system is victimizing my client, who was a child herself when this all happened.”

This shouldn’t be happening! This case is a clear example that some aspects of our criminal justice system need to be reviewed. Share if you agree.

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