When Mohammad and Noor’s parents got divorced last November, the siblings didn’t have a clue that their dad would disappear from their lives for good.
In the three months since the divorce, they haven’t heard a word from their father, who simply refuses to contact his children.
Now, 17-year-old Mohammed has become a father figure to his 6-year-old sister.
Recently while Mohammed was sitting at the breakfast table, he noticed his sister’s slightly odd fashion choice: she was wearing a dress instead of pajamas.
Mohammed asked her why and she said that the school’s father-daughter dance was that night. And even though she couldn’t go with their dad, she was going to school in her best dress.
Mohammed immediately realized that he had to do something.
And when you see what this nice big brother did for his little sister, it’s crystal clear that he’s so much more of a dad than their real father could ever be!

In November, Mohammad and Noor’s parents got divorced. It was hard on Mohammad, but even more so on his 6-year-old sister.
Since the break-up, their father has not spoken with them.

Three months after the divorce, 17-year-old Mohammad woke up to a surprising scene.
His little sister was wearing a dress at breakfast instead of her usual pajamas.

Muhammad asked her why she was in a dress, and Noor said that she wanted to dress up for the school’s popular father-daughter dance, even though she couldn’t go with her dad.

Mohammed knew that he needed to stand up for his sister.
He took her shopping for a new outfit and brought her to a hair salon to get her hair done.
The awesome big brother then accompanied his little sister to the dance—and they both had a lot of fun together.

Mohammad tells the Huffington Post, “It filled my heart with happiness seeing her dance with so much joy and have fun with all of her friends.”

What an awesome big brother you are, Mohammad! I’m sure going to the dance together was a memory the two siblings will never forget.
And their father has a thing or two to learn by watching 17-year-old Mohammad. Please share this story if you agree!
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