Dad Sneaks Recording Device Into Son’s Pocket. What He Hears From School Is Truly Shocking.

Akian, is a quiet, polite boy who also happens to have autism. Sure, he demands more attention than other kids sometimes, but on the whole, he’s just like any other 10-year-old. A few years ago, Akian told his dad, Stuart, some disturbing stories about being bullied by his teacher at school. And since the school refused to do anything about it, the single dad decided to take the matter into his own hands. So in a bold and controversial move, Stuart sent Akian to school with a recording device in his pocket. When Akian came home from school that day, Stuart pressed “play” and was shocked by what he heard. The six-hour tape included a string of inappropriate and disgusting comments from Akian’s teacher, who openly ridiculed Akian and made class hell for him. The teacher even went so far as to call Aikan a “bastard” during a class lecture about sex and alcohol. A few months later, Stuart uploaded a video on Youtube describing the situation. He said he made the video and shared the shocking audio recording with the public to raise awareness about bullying. The public was outraged and the teacher was transferred to another school, where he remains in the teaching profession. Some people think Stuart shouldn’t have recorded the teacher secretly, while others applaud him for his actions. If you were Akian’s parent, what would you have done?

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