The fact that real heroes live amongst us isn’t up for dispute. They can be found in the people who reside across the street, the people you pass on your way to work, the people who teach your children at school.
For me, a hero is someone who goes above and beyond when the situation calls for it. In short, someone like Patrick Lebow.
As per reports, Patrick is a garbage collector in Ceres, California, and goes about most of his days without issue.

Yet on one particular day, Patrick was out on his rounds when he spotted a burning home. Without a second thought, he decided to inject himself into the situation, and it’s a very good thing he did.
What Patrick couldn’t have known – at least not initially – was that there was an elderly couple living in the residence. They were home when the fire began to spread, and could easily have lost their lives had Patrick not intervened.
Fire Department Arrives
Ceres Fire Chief Kevin Wise and his crew arrived at the scene of the house fire shortly after, and found the building completely engulfed in flames.
His firefighters noticed that the door had already been broken in, and that the residents were saved despite the inferno.
“He (Patrick) felt a need to act,” said Chief Wise. “He saw that they needed some help.
As for Patrick himself, reports say he claims he’s no hero, and that he was simply doing what any citizen would have done in his shoes.
Watch the footage from the fire department below:
We think you’re definitely a hero, Patrick, and we’re sure the elderly couple you saved for agree.
Share this article to pay tribute to this heroic garbage collector. Thank you, Patrick.