In Finland, All Babies Sleep In A Box. The Reason? Everyone Should Do THIS!

If you become a parent for the first time, it matters little how many books you’ve read in preparation – you’re bound to run into surprises. Plenty is needed, there are things to do – and things not to do. So when faced with this momentous experience in life, wouldn’t it be great if someone offered you a small box containing everything you needed for when the baby is born? In Finland, that awesome idea is in fact reality. Read below to understand why.

Since 1930, all pregnant women in Finland receive a small practical “starter kit” as a gift from the state.

The cost? Nothing. The box is completely free of charge, provided the parents visit a doctor’ before the mom’s fourth month of pregnancy. Then they are offered the box, which has a value of about US $150. Ninety-five percent of parents choose to receive the practical box, which also works great as a cheap alternative to a crib.

Source: Damn


Each box includes:
– A mattress with bedding and blankets.
– Clothing for all seasons and contexts (everything from pyjamas to winter overalls and winter shoes).
– Picture books and toys.
– Towels and toiletries.


Best of all? Since the introduction of the box in the ’30s, child mortality has fallen sharply in the country. The box is therefore believed to be a contributing factor to the reason Finland has one of the lowest infant mortality rates. In addition, several studies have shown that Finnish mothers are the happiest in the world, according to the BBC.

Have a look at the box and its contents in the video below:

Please share with your friends if you agree this concept is fantastic and should be implemented in every country in the world!

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