Meet “Thumbelina” – the little girl who defied the odds

When Kenadie was born in February 2003, she only weighed 2 1/5 pounds (1.1 kg). She suffers from primordial dwarfism, which only affects about 100 people in the world—and so of course, the nurses at the hospital where she was born nicknamed her “Thumbelina.”

Kenadie’s outlook was bleak. Primordial dwarfism can cause complications such as delayed mental development as well as respiratory and digestive problems—and because Kenadie suffered brain damage, doctors feared that she’d only survive a few days.

Kenadie’s parents were devastated. The same day that their daughter was born, they decided to baptize her, so that at least she would have a name before she left this world.

“We thought we were gonna take her home to die, because that’s was what they told us,” Kenadie’s mother, Brianne, told Barcroft TV.

Days passed, but Kenadie refused to give up. She defied all odds—and her parents soon realized that she’d survive. It was a miracle.

Fourteen years later, Kenadie continues to surprise. She has underdeveloped arms and legs, she has learning disabilities, and is only 39 inches (99 cm) tall, but she’s a happy, vibrant young girl.

Kenadie loves to skate and bowl, she goes to school with her peers, and soon she’ll learn to swim. But most of all, she spreads joy.

“Kenadie makes me laugh. She’s very empathetic—if you hurt your finger, she comes and gives you a hug. She’s got an infectious laugh that just makes you want to laugh along with her,” Kenadie’s assistant, Jessica Putnam, told Barcroft TV.

As for Kenadie’s family, life continues despite the struggles. Kenadie constantly faces new medical challenges—but her family takes everything day by day and is cautiously positive.

“My hope for the futre for Kenadie is that she is happy and that she finds things that make her happy and makes her smile. If we can get through today, we’ll see tomorrow,” Kenadie’s mother, Brianne, told Barcroft TV.

Watch a video of the miraculous Kenadie here:

I’m so impressed with this brave little girl and her amazing willpower. Share please her story your friends on Facebook. And may we never give up and always must keep fighting, just like Kenadie!

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