Mom of five expects one baby, then doctors tell her she has four boys growing in her belly

A Texas family is celebrating the incredible arrival of a set of quadruplets, despite the mother initially expecting just one baby.

As per reports, Gaby and Patrick Hagler of Houston, Texas decided they would try for “one more child” after suffering a miscarriage when Gaby was pregnant.

“Life was already hectic,” Gaby said. The couple had a previous child each from their former relationships, as well as a 2-year-old son they shared together, Sammy. However, they were sure they could handle the fun of life with another child in the house.

What they didn’t know is what was in store.

Credit / Hagler Family

With assistance from fertility medication, Gaby fell pregnant again. She and Patrick were delighted, only to have the shock of their lives when they were told at her 12-week ultrasound that Gaby was carrying no less than FOUR babies.

As a result, Gaby’s pregnancy automatically became a high-risk one.

“It became this beautiful group effort where everyone believed these boys could make it to that day, and we did,” Gaby said.

On June 22, with Gaby 34 weeks pregnant, she and Patrick welcomed their four sons to the world. Named Adam, Bennett, Coby and Dane, they were able to leave the hospital for home three weeks after being born.

Needless to say, the Hagler household has become an interesting place. What was a family of five has now become a family of nine, and the fun really is just getting started.

“There are moments of chaos, but it’s not what I expected,” Gaby said. “The love in this house now is tangible.”

“We’re looking forward to what life has in store for these guys,” Patrick added.

Wow! I can’t even imagine the shock at being told you’re going to have four babies. A wonderful blessing to this family and indeed to the world.

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