Women need to start relaxing more. According to a recent study from Denmark, women should lay down on their sofas and rest when they return home after work.
While at work, you constantly think about what you need to do when you get home; at home, you think about what you need to do when you’re at work. This might sound familiar to a great many of us, but it turns out it’s particularly the case for women. A new Danish study has examined the difference in stress levels between women and men, revealing that women’s levels were significantly higher.
The study involved taking urine samples from both men and women before and at the end of the day. The results showed that women’s stress levels did not fall until 10:00-11:00 pm. Meanwhile, men’s stress levels decreased almost immediately after coming home from work, the study revealed.
According to the research team that conducted the study, womens’ stress continues well into the evening because they take on more household chores than their male counterparts and relax less when they come home. According to statistics, women in Denmark contribute to household tasks 243 minutes at home each day while men put in 186 minutes.
Ane Marie Thulstrup, the physician at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark that led the study, recommends that women try to lay down when they come home. She says she meets 80 percent more women than men with stress-related issues.
“We’ve heard about prescribed exercise and diet but I like to say that we should prescribe the sofa,” Thulstrup said.
The doctor recommended that women practice lounging on the couch and try to resist doing housework, adding that women must try to leave their jobs at work at the end of the day.
Personally, I have no objection whatsoever to her advice. Pass on if you agree!
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