Ashleigh Miller Cross has a daughter aged 10-months-old. She is, of course, a proud mother who lives her life with her baby by her side. Wherever she goes, her young daughter goes with her, which is what made what happened one fateful day at the store all the more frantic.
While out shopping, Ashleigh began to feel unwell, and so went to the Atlantic Superstore toilet in Bayers Lake, Canada.
Little did she know that it would be a day no one in the store would ever forget.

It happened last spring and was reported on primarily by the CBC television channel.
When Ashleigh entered the store, she suddenly felt pain. She couldn’t understand what it was, so headed for the toilet for some privacy.
Shortly after, deputy store manager Malcolm Comeau came out of his office after his lunch break. He was heading back to work when he heard a scream. He realised it was coming from the toilets and so immediately rushed there.
When the screams didn’t stop, Malcolm threw open the door to see what was happening.

Obviously, he was stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Ashleigh doubled over in great pain. The mom was scared and confused – she had severe cramps, but had no idea she was pregnant! Soon enough, another member of staff joined Malcolm in the relief effort.
As per CBC, Malcom said: “I opened the door and Ashleigh was there and the baby was halfway out. She just screamed at me, ‘I’m having a baby!’ and I automatically grabbed my phone and dialed 911.”
Fortunately, Ashleigh, with the help of by-standers, was able to deliver a healthy baby boy.
An ambulance drove Ashleigh and her newborn to hospital. The boy was later named Ezra, and weighed around 8Ibs.
Before going into labour, Ashleigh had no idea that she had another child on the way, but was all smiles afterwards. She explained that her previous pregnancy – only ten months before – may have “tricked” her into thinking she wasn’t pregnant again.

She told reporters: “I really had no idea.
“I presumed I hadn’t lost any weight because I only had Mia 10 months ago…. I didn’t grow any extra. I was just the same size. I didn’t have any cravings.”
Malcom, who has worked in the same store for over 30 years, admits he has never seen anything like it. “It’s like some other instincts take over. You just don’t think about anything else. It’s like, get help and do whatever you can,” he said.
Following the birth, Ashleigh and her partner celebrated with a rather fitting “welcome to the world” photo:
Posted by Love What Matters on Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Posted by Love What Matters on Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Below, you can watch a video on how the whole thing went down:
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