Getting a date for prom can be a tough thing. Not only do you first have to pluck up the courage to ask someone to go with you, but you then have wait to see if they say yes.
That’s generally how hard it is when you’re asking a fellow student. Now imagine asking a major celebrity.
Daunting, right? Well, not for Katie Kelzenberg, a senior at Stillwater High School in Oklahoma. Anyone who knows Katie, knows she’s a huge fan of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson … yeah, you know what’s coming.
When it comes to fans of The Rock, there are few more avid than Katie Kelzenberg. But while learning the lines to most of his movies, following his wrestling career and celebrating his every social media post might not be all that peculiar, asking him to attend her high-school prom is.

Katie penned a letter to the 46-year-old, asking him to be her date. In typical Dwayne Johnson fashion, he responded.
Of course, Katie would have been forgiven for thinking he had simply forgotten her invitation in amongst his busy schedule.
But does The Rock stand his fans up like that? Does he hell.

One day, when sitting in class, the loudspeakers began to chime out the usual announcements. Only this time it wasn’t the usual voice reading the information. Instead, it was a voice Katie recognised well…

It was none other than The Rock himself. He’d reached out to the Stillwater High administration and secretly recorded the daily announcements. He started by wishing the student body well, and then turned his attention to Katie herself.
Johnson conceded that he couldn’t make the prom due to other commitments, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have something special up his sleeve for “best friend” Katie.
Watch the video below to see The Rock’s great surprise, and Katie’s incredible reaction:
Now this is how all celebrities should treat their fans. What a fantastic guy The Rock is, and what an amazing gesture to do that for Katie.
Did this put a smile on your face? Do you think more stars should act this way with their fans? If so, share this article and spread some love amongst your friends and family.