Teen honors brother killed from gun violence with one of a kind prom dress

Since Antonett and her brother were unable to physically attend prom together, Antonett went with the next best thing—a prom dress with photos of the teen all over it.

“I just didn’t pick just any picture of his face or because it’s a clear picture of his face,” she said. “Every picture on that dress has a story.”

In order to make the dress, Antonett enlisted the help of dress designer, Mariah Jackson.

Jackson was eager to help because she had recently experienced something similar.

“Recently I had lost a friend through gun violence and it was very, very intense. It was a similar story only her son was even younger, so it really hit home,” she said.

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When Antonett and her family saw the dress for the first time in person, they were overwhelmed.

“Now that the dress is made, it’s even more beautiful than we thought it would be,” Angelyca Dossa, Antonett and Antonio’s mother, said.

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The purple dress covered in Antonio’s face is one of a kind and one that Antonett will certainly treasure forever.

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