Wedding guests’ hearts melt when this boy with Down syndrome does this

Brad Mayer was born with Down syndrome. But neither he nor his parents have allowed him to believe that this limited his life in any way.

They instead taught him that with a little willpower and courage, anything is possible – no matter who you are. Brad’s mother Jenny has always ensured that her son be surrounded by positive energy and love. This is poignantly manifested in this heartwarming clip, now causing thousands of hearts all over the web to melt.

Despite his challenges, Braden learned to walk with the help of his walker at a relatively early age. At a relatives’s recent wedding, little Brad thus took on the central role of walking down the aisle toward the altar.

When Brad appears at the end of the room, everyone turns around. When they realize it’s little Brad fighting forward with the help of his walker, the guests are clearly touched and inspired by the tough little fella. And after watching the clip, so was I. Have a look for yourself below.

Brad’s mom Jenny clearly believes that more people need to learn to appreciate the little things in life – and I agree. I think this clip is a great reminder of just that. Share if you agree, too!

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