Women hears screaming from the sea – looks out and is stunned by what she sees

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It was from a balcony in the Egyptian town of Dahab, overlooking the Red Sea, that Hadie experienced something she couldn’t possibly have expected.

In the water, a woman stood screaming. Seconds later, a man would rush in to help her. Hadie, naturally, had no idea what was happening, but just a few moments later she witnessed the amazing truth.

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A child is born

The woman had delivered a child via water birth. From the depths of the sea emerged a fresh-faced baby. The man, who transpired to be a specialist in water deliveries, took the baby to the shore and wrapped it in a warm blanket. According to the Daily Mail, the birth – involving a Russian tourist – had been arranged.

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Viral hit

Nadia was so struck by what she’d witnessed, that she took a series of photos from her uncle’s balcony. She then uploaded the images to Facebook, and, mere hours later, they had been shared over 2,000 times. Countless people have commented on the pictures, wishing congratulations on the mother and lending prayers for her baby.

The woman’s actual identity remains unknown, but both her husband and another child were reportedly on the beach with her. Once things had calmed down, the other child was able to meet his little sibling and welcome him/her to the wide world.

Image Source: YouTube

While we don’t know how mother and baby are doing at the moment, we can hope that due to the specialist’s presence everything proceeded as expected.

We’re sending our heartiest congratulations to the family and hope that the baby – born in the most fascinating of ways – has a life packed full of joy and love.


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