For as long as he could remember, student Jaime Raines, born a ‘woman’, felt unhappy with himself. At age 18, he finally began hormone therapy to transition from woman to man. Here he is on the first day of the process, holding the medication that would help him along.

He decided to document his transformation by taking a selfie every day.
“I initially intended to just do it for the first year,” he told BuzzFeed News. “But then I didn’t get any facial hair in my first year.”

He continued to document the change and took a selfie every day – for three years. At first, the changes were subtle.

But in the second year, the transformation began to be more apparent. My face started to get longer and I lost the chubby cheeks,” Jamie told Buzzfeed.

He also noticed that the shape of his nose was beginning to change.

Finally, after two years, he began to see facial hair. “It was really exciting,” he says.

And the facial hair continued to grow.

Three years later, Jaime has a proper beard. Here is the latest image.

“I didn’t like looking in the mirror before I started on testosterone. Now I’m happy with what I see,” Jamie tells BuzzFeed.
Jamie’s pictures are now affecting millions around the world. I am also very happy that Jamie is happy!
Source: Girls To Men and FTM transition timeline.
Jamie created a short film of all his 1,400 pictures on YouTube:
And here’s another video revealing Jamie’s transformation:
“I didn’t like looking in the mirror before I started on testosterone. Now I’m happy with what I see.”
Posted by BuzzFeed on Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Newsner supports people’s rights to choose to be who they want, how they want. Please like and share Jamie’s story if you do too.
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