Some time ago, I was a member of a wine club. Needless to say, during that time, I gathered quite a few wine bottle corks. Although I finally quit the club and no longer have to worry about collecting corks, I still have quite the handful on me. For some reason, I always felt the need to keep them. Call me a cork hoarder! Let me say then, that I was really thrilled to come across this. This video presents some really brilliant – and useful ways- of reusing wine corks. My favorite were definitely the fridge magnets – just adorable, and extremely unique and original. Some of the ideas in the video take a bit longer to make, while others can be done in no time at all. In either case, I think everyone can find one they like and may want to try out themselves. Enjoy!
I know I certainly loved many of these tricks. Please pass on these hacks further if you liked them too.
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