Now that summer is basically here, the sun is shining and the weather is glorious. And what better time of year to sunbathe on the balcony? There’s nothing wrong with that, right? Well, that’s exactly what 33-year-old Linda Sarajärvi of Sweden thought. She took the opportunity to catch some rays on her balcony in her bra and a pair of shorts. But what she didn’t know at the time was that her choice of clothing would really upset her neighbors…
Linda had just returned home from walking her dog when she saw a note on the stairwell. And on closer inspection, she saw her name at the top of the note.
“Can you please stop tanning in your shorts and bra on your balcony! My guy keeps looking over toward your balcony. And people don’t usually sunbathe in a bra, so it’s disturbing.”
Linda said about the incident, “I just laughed when I read it. I don’t know exactly who wrote it, but I felt really sorry for this girl who is so insecure that she had to write it.”
Linda wasn’t about to let this situation pass without sending a letter back. And no one was going to tell her what she was allowed to wear while sunbathing, so she wrote the perfect reply to her angry neighbor:
“Absolutely, no problem. I’ll put on a bikini instead,” Linda wrote, and stuck the note next to her anonymous neighbor’s door.
“I’d understand more if I was sunbathing topless or something, but a bra and shorts on my own balcony? I think that’s fairly harmless,” Linda said. “But in all honesty, I feel really sorry for her. It’s a shame that she feels she needs to point out something like this.”
And we surely agree. Well done, Linda!
Of course, people shouldn’t interfere in how people sunbathe on their own balcony. Please share if you agree!
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