6 common foods and medications that you should never combine

Medicine is suppposed to make us healthier and feel better, but sometimes certain medications can be downright harmful to our health.

So it’s important to read up on the side effects associated with the medicines you’re taking and educate yourself on activities that you should be avoiding.

But did you know that some common foods can also negatively impact the effect of some medications or even make those medications dangerous?

I’m not just talking about junk food here—this is especially true for foods that are normally considered to be healthy.

It’s always best to talk to your doctor and learn which foods you should avoid when taking medication, but I hope that this information is informative and helps keeps you safe.

If you take these pills regularly…


…. avoid grapefruit!


Consuming grapefruit is beneficial in many ways, but eating it while taking Viagra can be deadly. The fruit contains a substance that prevents the drug breaking down, and in the worst cases, it can lead to myocardial infarction.

If you’re at risk for cardiovascular disease, you should beware of mixing these two. According to the Harvard Family Health Guide, grapefruit increases the concentration of the drug.

If you take blood-thinning medicine…


… avoid spinach.


Foods rich in vitamin K can counteract the anticoagulant effect of blood-thinning medication, according to the heart and vascular team at the Cleveland Clinic.

Vitamin K can be found in spinach, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, avocado, and carrots, among other fruits and vegetables. If you eat a lot of these plants, your blood can thicken and harden easily, increasing the risk for blood clots.

If you take birth control pills…


… avoid St. John’s wort.


Some supplements, and especially St. John’s wort, can reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Herbal products containing St. John’s wort reduce the clinical effects of certain birth control pills. The effect may persist for at least two weeks after cessation of treatment with St. John’s wort, reports ABC News.

If you take tetracycline…


… avoid dairy products.


Tetracycline is a bacteriostatic drug that is used to treat lung infections, sinus infections, and pelvic infections.

It’s best to avoid dairy products like milk, cheese, cream, and yoghurt when taking tetracycline.

The calcium found in the foods mentioned above prevents the intestine from absorbing the active ingredient in tetracycline, according to the Mayo Clinic.

If you take beta-blockers…


… avoid licorice.


Beta-blockers have many different uses, but they are primarily used to reduce high blood pressure.

Eating liquorice raises blood pressure and some studies found that eating 50 grams of liquorice a day is harmful if you’re prone to high blood pressure.

If you have high blood pressure and take beta-blockers, try avoiding licorice for two weeks.

If you take blood pressure medicine…


… avoid bananas.


Blood pressure medications normally help increase the amount of potassium in the body.

Basically, potassium is good for you, but if you consume too much of the mineral, it can cause cardiac complications, including irregular heartbeat and palpitations.

Other foods high in potassium include oranges and potatoes.

As always, everyone is unique, and different individuals react differently to medication. But I hope this article is informative about the potential risks of combining certain foods and drugs.

Don’t forget to share this important information with everyone you know!

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