pregnancy - Read up on all the latest about pregnancy on Newsner


Man has a vasectomy, then realizes his wife is pregnant – the way he tells her is just perfect

New father booted from hospital after he did this in the room where mom was giving birth

A new mother was horrified when the father of her decided to do someting in the hospital room where she ...

Excited dad-to-be clears out nursery after discovering MIL's lie

The anticipation of parenthood is typically filled with excitement and joy, but sometimes unexpected challenges arise, casting shadows over what ...

Father doesn't love his newborn son after unplanned pregnancy

The news of an unexpected pregnancy can be a whirlwind of emotions, especially for people who had never envisioned themselves ...

Mom, 30, shares her chaotic days with 9 children, she has one more on the way

While getting one child ready for bed might seem like a monumental task for some parents, Chloe Dunstan has become ...

Pregnant woman distraught after coworker suggests she get rid of her cats to protect unborn child

After a bossy, misinformed friend suggested a pregnant mother get rid of her cats before her baby arrives, the mom-to-be ...

Firefighter helps deliver granddaughter at his own fire station

Bret Langston is no stranger to delivering babies. No, he’s not a doctor or even an EMT. He’s a firefighter ...