How to make a boiled egg loaf that will blow your friends’ minds

Hard boiled-eggs are a good source of nutrition and a staple in salad bars, buffets and picnic baskets—but they don’t exactly get anyone excited. After all, a hard-boiled egg is a hard-boiled egg, right?

Well, not always. In fact, the humble hard-boiled egg could actually get people talking at your next dinner party—if you forget the way you’ve been making them your whole life.

You might have seen these giant eggs at a salad bar somewhere—and with this trick, you’ll definitely cause a stir the next time you have guests over for dinner. Check this out!

What you need:

A tall glass tube
A pot

1. Heat a tall glass tube in a pot of water for about 5 minutes.

Image Source: YouTube

2. Separate the yolks from the egg whites.

Image Source: YouTube

3. Pour the egg whites into the tube and put it into the pot. Heat for 25-30 minutes on medium heat.

Image Source: YouTube

4. Pull out the center of the egg whites with a thinner tube.

Image Source: YouTube

5. Pour the egg yolks into the hole you made in the egg whites.

Image Source: YouTube

6. Lower the tube back into the saucepan and heat for another 25 minutes.

Image Source: YouTube

7. Voila! Your egg roll is ready!

Image Source: YouTube

Check out this video for more detailed instructions:

As important as it is for food to taste good, it’s equally important that it looks good. Please share this smart trick with anyone who loves to cook!

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