Traveler tells beggar that people are evil– then beggar has perfect response

A homeless beggar sits by the gates of an ancient city, where dozens of travellers pass him every day.
One day, one such traveler stops and asks the beggar:
“What are people like in this city? I am travelling from far away and want to know it before I enter it,” he asks.
The beggar looked at him and asked:
“What are the people like in your own city?”
The traveler answered: “They are bad and evil.”
So the beggar said: “You will see the same people here.” 
Later that week, another traveler asked the beggar the same question and received the same response: “What are the people like in your own city?”
That traveler said: “In my city, people are great! They’re kind, beautiful, and very friendly”.
To which the beggar responded: “You will meet the same people here.”

What a simple, yet powerful and truthful story, with a significant message behind it. Absolutely love! When I read it, I had to share it with all my friends and travel buddies. Feel free to do the same!

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