Try this simple method and say goodbye to sciatic pain forever!

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Sciatic pain varies in intensity, but for many people, it’s unbearable and it creates big problems in their lives.

Something as easy as walking or sitting becomes almost impossible, preventing a person suffering from sciatica from living a normal life.

And while medicine can help, natural remedies and exercise address the root problem, writes Secretly Healthy.

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If you suffer from sciatic pain, try this trick before going to bed.

What you need:

• 10 liters of water that is hot but is still tolerable and won’t burn you

• 1 liter apple cider vinegar

• 1/2 cup salt


1. Fill a basin with hot water, vinegar and salt.

2. Stir until the salt dissolves.

3. Soak your feet until the water starts to cool.

4. Lift your feet out of the basin, carefully dry them, and go to bed, making sure your feet stay warm while you sleep.

5. Avoid walking barefoot when you wake up. Instead, wear both socks and slippers.

You might not notice a much of a difference after the first time, but if you repeat the procedure every night, you should notice a big difference soon.

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