14 amazing pictures taken before and after people stopped drinking alcohol

Alcohol abuse is a global problem. According to a US study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “excessive alcohol use was responsible for an annual average of 88,000 deaths, including 1 in 10 deaths among working-age adults aged 20 to 64 years, and 2.5 million years of potential life lost. More than half of these deaths and three-quarters of the years of potential life lost were due to binge drinking.”

Scary figures. But most of us just like to have the occasional drink here and there. Then there are those who are not necessarily alcoholics but who sometimes overdo the amount they drink recreationally.

What’s certain is that too much drinking takes a toll on our bodies — whether it’s on our minds, livers or our ability to lose weight.

If your alcohol consumption is affecting your health, it might be time to consider giving it up and see what happens. That’s exactly what these 14 people have done.

The results are astonishing. Each person’s motive was a little different from the other, but looking at their before and after pictures, it’s hard not to notice the incredible transformation in their appearance. They all look so much healthier and more radiant.

These people truly are an inspiration.

Take a look for yourself below.

1. Look at this guy — you would think the picture on the right is from his youth. But actually it’s just him after giving up booze.

© Imgur / ghostbackwards

2. Wow — the last 2 pictures to the right look like a completely different person.

© Imgur/silverladder

3. This woman definitely looks slimmer and happier alcohol free! What do you think?

© Imgur/Brittsuzanne

4. During his drinking days.

© Imgur/dr_dan_is_sober

After his drinking days.

© Imgur/dr_dan_is_sober

5. This transformation blew our minds…

© Imgur/size16french

I mean — can you believe this is the same guy?

© Imgur/size16french

6. Same guy, same shirt, but something is different. Can you spot the difference? 

© Imgur/meatteo

This was 300 sober days later…

©Imgur / meatteo

…and then 500 sober days later, things just got better. 

© Imgur/meatteo

7. That dress sure looks different on this young woman a year later.

© Huffington Post

8. Here is this guy when he was a drinker.

© Imgur/Luscrib89

One year and a half alcohol free did this to him. He looks slimmer and younger. Amazing.

© Imgur/Luscrib89

9. Imgur user ‘Cool Crosby’ describes the picture below as the period when he was living in hell.

© Imgur/coolcrosby

Look at him now, sober and happy…

© Imgur/coolcrosby

10. If you can’t go sober on your own — try it with a partner or friend like these two did. Incredible results. 

© Bored Panda

11. Here is this guy showing off his belly.

© Imgur/SoberApok

3 months of no booze = belly almost gone.

© Imgur/SoberApok

Great job to all these dedicated people! Hats off to all of them!

Please share these photos to inspire more people out there to consider reducing their alcohol intake.

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